Minute - April 11,2006

April 11, 2006

NAFA Executive Committee

Meeting Minutes

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., April 11, 2006

Neighborhood Community Center, Mills Street

Present: Archana Dhakhwa, Bimal RajBhandary, Shreedhar Ranabhat, Pratima Sharma, Krishna Sijapati, Radha Sijapati, Dhana Shrestha and Kiran Shrestha

Filling of the VP position: There was no interest within the Executive Board members for the vice present post vacated by Bharat Acharya. The VP position will be announced to the general members at the New Year gathering on April 14. Members will be encouraged to consider taking the post. NAFA will also seek to fill two Executive Board member positions within the general members.

Resignation: The Executive Committee accepted the resignation of Bimal RajBhandary as a member of the Executive Board effective June 2006. The Board thanked him for his commitment and participation during his term. Bimal ji will continue to serve until he leaves for India in June.

Programs for 2063: In addition to the Nepali New Year celebration, NAFA will coordinate a picnic in July and Dasain program in October. We need to work towards increasing leadership within the general members for these activities.

NAFA Website: Archana Dhakhwa recommended adding a children’s corner to the website. The children’s section would contain information such as honor and awards received by youth in our community. The website would also contain educational information.

Archana will also add a blurb about the founding members of NAFA to the website.

Scholarships: There was a discussion regarding awarding two scholarships to Nepali high school and college age students. There is $500 available for this year. An education/ scholarship committee will be established in the near future and such committee will establish criteria for such scholarship. The scholarship applications will be reviewed by an outside source to avoid biases and favoritism.

Membership Fees: NAFA membership fees for 2063 will be $15 for family, $10 for single, and $100 per person for life.

Committees: The need to establish committees on Education/Scholarship, Culture, Fund Raising, and miscellaneous activities (i.e. coordinating events, etc.) was discussed. The information will be added to the membership application so members can choose a committee they are interested in serving.

New Year 2063: About 80 people are expected to attend the New Year’s celebration on Saturday, April 15 at the Neighborhood House. To date, all food menus for the potluck dinner have been fulfilled except for meat dishes. The response to the 2nd reminder about the party is due tomorrow (4/12). Once all responses are received, the committee will work out details on preparing dishes that are still needed.

The cultural program will take place first. Dinner will be served after the program which will be followed by Nepali Bingo and other sport activities.

Members need to be encouraged to help with set-up, clean-up, and other activities.

Meeting adjourned: 9:00 p.m.

Submitted by:

Pratima Sharma, Secretary, NAFA