Minute August 10, 2008

Minutes of 8/10/08 Meeting:

Meeting started at 1:15 pm.

Board Members in attendance:

Ayodhya Batajoo

Krishna Sijapati

Mark Grandau

Anju Chhetri

1) Treasures Report:

- Picnic Financials: $811 collected, expenses $791.44. NAFA will split the prizes for the poetry contest with Dinar Shestha and will reimburse him $55.

- Few little outstanding expenses. We should break even.

2) Picnic Report:

- The picnic was a success.

- Still missing the Krishna's IPod charger.

- The site was a little small and was partially sloped.

- The kids playground was a great.

- Water quality was bad.

4) Web Site

- The board will encourage and review Praveen Sharam's request to change the look of the NAFA website.

- Mark will be given access to the website to help with maintains.

- Mark will also look into using Google Sites for part of the website.

5) Dashain

- I f we are not going to use the Monona Community Center we must cancel by September to get refund. The other Venue is the Verona Middle School.

- Need to form the following committees:

1) Food

2) Cultural

3) Childrens

4) Puja

5) Cleaning

- Krishna will talk to Nepali Restaurant about Catering.

- The other option is to higher a cook. But then insurance maybe required.

- Dashain flier looks good.

8) New NAFA Board members

- The Board unanimously voted Nijananda Malla and Bharat Acharya to the board.

9) Next meeting 8/24. We need to work out details of Dashain.

If there are any deletions or additions to these minutes please contact me and I will make corrections.

Respectfully submitted by:

Mark Grandau - Executive Secretary

Nepali American Friendship Association

3) Scholarship

- Need members for the committee to help Pratima. Krishna will contact Gautama Varjacharaya, Mahesh Shrestha and Bharat Acharya.

- Applicants write an essay, supply a resume, and references.

- Committee will decide who wins. An outside Teacher will judge the papers. The Board will approve the award but as to maintain impartiality will have no input into actual selection of the individual.