Minute June 8, 2008

Minutes of 6/08/08 Meeting:

Meeting started at 1:15 pm.

Board Members in attendance:

Shreedhar Ranabhat

Radha Sijapati

Krishna Sijapati

Mark Grandau

Naresh Shrestha

Anju Chhetri

1) Secretaries Report:

- By-Laws needs exact wording to revise By-Laws with election change rule.

1) Treasurers Report:

- Bank Balance: $1206 + 10,000 CD.

- We need to close and report on the final numbers for New Years.

2) Indian Association (AIA) Picnic

- Picnic will be July 19th at Burrows Park.

- Because it follows are picnic by a week wee will not be participating as an organization.

- The AIA invitation to attend the picnic will be extended to our membership. They may attend if they wish.

3) ANA Convention

- Convention will be in Baltimore on July 4th.

- Mark will send email to see if anyone from NAFA wishes to attend and represent NAFA.

4) Summer Picnic

- Email soliciting members to sign-up will go out.

- Members should respond by 6/22 so we can get a head count.

- Discussed menu.

- Setup will begin at 11:00.

- Anju and Naresh will Co-chair the picnic.

- Dinar Shrestha to organize the poetry reading.

- To be consistent with last years costs.

From last years minutes:

5) Discussion of helping purchase PA for Mayalu Band

- Decided we would rather purchase new then used. We need more information.

6) Guru-ji's visit -Nijananda Malla

- Sorry but we did not have enough time to evaluate the request.

7) Scholarship

- Application requires 1 year prior membership before applying.

- Confirm Paul Benjamin is on Scholarship Committee with Pratima.

8) Children's Program

- Tabled till after picnic.

9) Dashain

- No update.

Next meeting June 29th.

If there are any deletions or additions to these minutes please contact me and I will make corrections.

Respectfully submitted by:

Mark Grandau - Executive Secretary

Nepali American Friendship Association

Members $10, children 11 and older $5

Cost to member family not to exceed $25

Nonmember $15, children 11 and over $8

Cost to family not to exceed $35

Children 10 and under are free