Minute September 9, 2007

Board Members in attendance:

  • Shreedhar Ranabhat

  • Radha Sijapati

  • Krishna Sijapati

  • Mark Grandau

  • Anju Cheetri

  • Archana Shrestha

  • Naresh Shrestha

1) Treasurers Report.

a) Picnic.

- $665.63 + 1 small bill outstanding.

- $650 was collected for the picnic.

- Parking was $120.

- $195 was collected in membership dues.

- Bank balance will follow in an email to the Exec. Board.

- Treasurer changed at the bank on 9/1.

b) Discussion of jobs for Nepali people and networking opportunities. The Group doesn't have resources to direct a job search, but we can direct to Madison resources using the Web Site or possibly post positions within the google group.

2) Dasai Celebration

a) Locations still being looked at:

- Goodman Aquatic Center $250.

- Shorewood Hieghts Community Center

- Eagle Heights Community Center.

Decision needed by Friday.

b) Food search is in process.

3) Gift-wrap

a) East town mall - We have requested weekend dates (22nd,23rd and 15th).

b) West town mall - Request should happen the week of 9/9 -9/16. Anju Cheetri will chair the west gift-wrap.

Next meeting 9/23/07. Meeting adjourned at 2:15pm.

If there are any deletions or additions to these minutes please contact me and I will make corrections.

Respectfully submitted by:

Mark Grandau - Executive Secretary

Nepali American Friendship Association